希望在高雄有固定的網路聚會,第一場定於 2011.9.24 14:00 舉辦:
- 活動:http://registrano.com/events/c84ebd
- 起因:http://goo.gl/BGXRc
- 地點:高雄市前鎮區復興四路2號4F。如果搭捷運可以搭到獅甲站轉紅16號接駁車,到園區門口再走進來。如果搭環狀公車168也可以到,在成功二路復興四路交叉口有三大棟建築物,最裡面那棟(最靠海的)。
- 時間:2011.9.24 14:00 開始。
- 主題:就是網路,沒有特別主題。
- 其他:消費請自理,暫時沒有主辦單位。可逕自前往,不需報名。到的時候請打電話給 Schee 0970-690294。
感謝 http://www.aio.com.tw 指導可用的場地。
A bunch of us web veterans are thinking about hosting a web meetup on a regular basis and taking the web to diverse and vibrant cities in Taiwan. Starting with Taichung and Kaohsiung in Sep 2011.
- Event: http://registrano.com/events/c84ebd
- Why: http://goo.gl/BGXRc
- Venue: Kaohsiung Software Technology Park, exact location to be announced on Sep 17.
- Time: 2011.9.24 (Sat) 14:00
- Theme: Everything about web.
You don't need to register for the event and you can just show up there at that time. Contact info@motomosa.com if you have suggestions or questions.